Monday 20 February 2012

Movie - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 18.02.2012

Reeealllly boooring film, I realised after one and a half hours that I had been daydreaming the whole time, so I just walked out, I wasn't even curious enough to see the ending. There was absolutely nothing engaging about this film. The use of women in this film was ludicrous, purely as sexual punctuation points - eg a glimpse of a miniskirt flashes by, or the stupid scene of the young couple kissing on the couch, totally unecessary - as if that's what the director thinks will liven this grey film up, how cheap and cheesy.

Oh the one good thing about this film is Benedict Cumberbatch's face. He's like a blonde Keanu Reeves, with those upward slanting eyes, high cheekbones, strong jaw and sandy mop of hair. Quite gorgeous to watch, he looks good in this film.

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