Sunday 1 February 2009

Movie review: Milk

Slightly disappointing movie, could have been exacerbated by the jetlag, but I fell asleep about 30mins into this film, to awake for the last hour - OK it's a long one. Sean Penn does a BEAUTIFUL job as the gay activist Harvey Milk, presenting a hugely likeable fellow, however the plot is purely activist-driven and the film is clearly pitched as a political comment which can make for some 'ramming it down your throat' moments, rather than a generic focus which can lead to more character development. It was one-dimensional in the sense that the characters really do just seem to exist for their lobbying purpose. In fairness though the lead character gives some good guidance on how to handle conflict NICELY and winningly, so I did learn some tips from this. I recommend this movie for a gay first-date, and also if you're feeling a little winsome for the times when you felt really idealistic about making a change. Oh, and the lead character (in real life) did start becoming a lobbyist when he was 40, and did some amazing things in 8 years. Rating 6/10 for above conditional inspiration.

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